Performance Sewing and Workshops

Looking for an immersive, entertaining, and educational experience to captivate your guests?

I bring a unique blend of historical fun, creativity, and skill to your event, offering a performance unlike any other. Whether you're seeking interactive entertainment or hands-on workshops, I am the perfect choice for engaging and delighting your attendees.

Performance Offerings:

Lane Performance
I provide lively street performances that captivate and entertain guests throughout your event. As a costumed character, I roam the venue, engaging with attendees through jokes, songs, dancing, and whimsical poems that align with your event's theme. I also share fascinating and humorous tidbits about the history of sewing, blending education with entertainment for a truly memorable experience.

What’s Included:
Engaging Interactions: I sit down with every guest who walks by, offering free sewing kits and sharing historical facts presented in an entertaining way, through humor, song, and storytelling.

Adaptability: I’m comfortable interacting with both individuals and large groups, ensuring everyone feels included and entertained.

Improvisational Performances: I also stroll the venue, performing spontaneous "yes, and" improv scenes with other willing performers, adding an element of surprise and delight to the event.

Availability: I am available for the full duration of the event, from opening to closing, with a 30-minute lunch break and two 15-minute bathroom breaks. I do not smoke, consume alcohol, or use profanity while working.

Rate: $275/day for up to 10 hours. You can choose the days and hours that I work to best fit your event.

Below is an image of the sewing kits I hand out to guests free of charge. Along with the kits, I include themed stickers featuring my website, where I offer free video sewing classes.

Sewing Workshops:

For guests seeking a more hands-on experience, I offer themed sewing workshops where participants can create a project by hand, just as it was done during the renaissance.

Option 1: Full Workshop Package
I offer a comprehensive sewing workshop experience, complete with free pre-made sewing kits and hands-on instruction for up to 60 students per day during 3 one houre sessions. You have the flexibility to choose the schedule and location, and the projects. Options include making stuffed animals, bags, clothing, quilting, embroidery, fabric crowns, wings, and star wands.

For a preview of the types clothing projects we’ll work on, visit my lookbook to see examples of finished pieces I've created while teaching. Please note that for clothing workshops, participants are encouraged to bring their own sewing machines, as I do not provide them. However, I will bring my own equipment for demonstration and instruction purposes.

Rate: $400/day
This price includes 60 sewing kits, each containing everything students need to complete their project by hand, along with detailed, illustrated instructions. During class, I will demonstrate the steps and provide one-on-one guidance to each student.

Bonus: You are free to charge your participants for attending the workshops and keep 100% of the proceeds, making it possible to cover the workshop cost without any additional expenses to you.

Option 2: Custom Sewing Kit Workshops

Offer your guests the chance to purchase pre-made, custom sewing kits directly from me, with prices ranging from $10 to $25 based on their chosen project. Each kit includes all the materials needed to complete the project by hand, along with detailed written and illustrated instructions. I will guide participants through the workshop using these kits, with no extra fee for the instruction. I can accommodate up to three workshops per day, and you have the flexibility to select the times and locations.

Rate: $150/day (up to 3 workshops included).
Each participant works at their own pace, and while I can't guarantee that everyone will fully complete their project by the end of the class, my priority is to ensure they are learning and enjoying the process. I provide clear, step-by-step instructions with every project, so participants can confidently continue and finish their work at home if needed.

My Renaissance Fair Character
Greetings, dear one! I’m Margareta Stitchwell, fairy seamstress extraordinaire—I’m here to stitch up more than just your frayed hems. Need a cloak that makes you invisible? Done. Want a dress that sparkles like the stars themselves? Easy. Perhaps you’ve got a broken heart in need of a few stitches? No worries, I’ve got thread for that too! Born in the heart of a moonlit forest I was trained by the ancient fey who wove the first threads of the world. Now I carry on their legacy by making enchanted garments for both fae and humans alike. I wander the human world, creating clothes with subtle magical properties for those who catch my fancy. I have a soft spot for humans, especially those who are poor or in need. I secretly mend their clothes, sometimes adding a touch of magic to bring them luck or protect them from harm. But beware, for those who treat me rudely they may find their garments stitched to each other or their trousers mysteriously shrinking. It’s all in good fun! I like to keep things playful, you see. I can weave spells into garments by using special threads, like silver thread for protection or golden thread for good luck. With a snap of my fingers, I can repair or alter clothing instantly, making worn-out rags into beautiful, elegant pieces. I can sew an illusions into outfit, allowing the wearer to change their appearance or blend into their surroundings. I can bring fabric to life, making scarves dance, and cloaks fly. I see the world in threads and patterns. People are like fabrics to me. Take young Willow, for instance—she’s as silky smooth as the finest satin, always gliding through life with ease. But then there’s old Bramble, rough as burlap, stubborn and scratchy, yet dependable when the storms roll in. Each soul is woven differently, and I’ve spent a lifetime stitching their stories together. My greatest weakness is my need for enchanted thread, which can only make in the deepest parts of the fae woods. When I run out, my powers diminish, and I must retreat to the forest to get more. I’d love to chat more, but I’ve got a cross-stitch in progress, and, well, the threads of destiny aren’t going to weave themselves. Shall we see if you need a stitch or two?
I'm dressing as a sewing fairy, with a whimsical outfit that highlights various sewing-related themes. I accessorize with spools of thread and wear large needle, and scissor pendants to reinforce the creative vibe. My outfit itself is tapestry-inspired, made from patchwork fabrics and designs that appear hand-sewn from various materials, giving it an imaginative, handcrafted feel. Even my wings tie into the theme, resembling intricate woven fabrics, which emphasize my deep connection to sewing and crafting.

A large hooped crosstitch that is in progress.
A sewing book for disguising my cell phone. (While working I only use the cell phone in case of an emergency) In order to disguise a water bottle, I use a flask so that I can stay hydrated on hot days.
Rolling Tool box - With a cloth draped over it for the purpose of disguising it. A small wooden chest is placed on top with a sign on the lid that says, Tips keep my needles moving. Inside the box are the sewing kits.
Peg Board Easel - With a large assortment of sewing project kits hanging all over it in a grid pattern. And a sign attached to the top that has the same writing on both sides. Sewing project kits are labeled with prices if I am selling them.

The Enchanted Needle
Master the Art of Sewing
•All Supplies Included
• Free Instruction
By 2 get 1 Free
Craft Your Treasures in this delightful journey into sewing while enjoying captivating stories and an interactive hands on adventure.

Kit Prices And There Stories:
Draw string pouch for dice $15
In the heart of Renaissance Florence, a renowned mage named Lucio crafted a special pouch. This was no ordinary pouch; it was imbued with ancient magic and was said to bring luck to its bearer. Lucio, who often dabbled in alchemy and arcane arts, made the pouch from the finest velvet and adorned it with intricate golden embroidery. Legend has it that Lucio used this pouch to carry his enchanted dice during secret meetings with fellow mages. The dice were said to determine the fate of magical quests and alchemical experiments. The pouch’s enchantment was so powerful that it was believed to grant favorable rolls and shield its owner from dark enchantments. Over time, the pouch was lost, but tales of its magic spread far and wide. It became a treasured artifact among adventurers, each hoping to harness its legendary powers. Now, as you create your own pouch, imagine the adventures it could accompany and the magic it might hold.
Dragon $15
In the magical kingdom of stitch landya, there lived a noble dragon named Draganis. As the guardian of harmony, Draganis was known for his shimmering scales and kind heart. One day, trouble arose when a mischievous sorcerer began causing chaos. Draganis went on a daring adventure to restore peace, meeting a brave adventurer who joined him. Together, they outsmarted the sorcerer and brought tranquility back to the kingdom. Now, during the festival, people celebrate Draganis’s bravery by making their own dragons, honoring the courage and magic within everyone.
Headband Crown $10
Long ago, in the needle point realm, every person was given a unique crown that symbolized their special qualities. These crowns weren’t just beautiful; they were enchanted to bring out the best in the wearer. If you were brave, your crown would shine with a fiery glow. If you were wise, it would sparkle with a calming light. Each crown was crafted with great care and imbued with a bit of magic, making them truly unique. The people of the kingdom believe that wearing these crowns connected them to the kingdom’s rich history and helped them embrace their true selves. As you make your crown, imagine what special qualities it might highlight about you.
Star Wand $10
In the magical land of Verathis, a brilliant star fell and shattered into glowing pieces called starlets. These shards granted creative powers but could drain your spirit if not shared. In the enchanted Forest of Whispers, a legendary starlet awaits you. Today, you will create your own Star Wound using vibrant fabrics and shimmering threads. What will yours represent? As you stitch, weave your dreams into your creation. Each stitch connects you to the magic of the Star Wound, reminding you that your creativity shines brightest when shared.
Fairy Wings $20
In the enchanted Forest of Eldoria, the Sylph fairies had wings that shimmered like dew. One day, young Lira found an ancient scroll about crafting extraordinary wings that could soar beyond clouds. Excited, she gathered her friends to collect magical materials: petals from the Moonflower, threads from Moonlit Spiders, and golden dust from Starblooms. As they wove the wings, they infused them with laughter and kindness, making each pair unique. At dusk, Lira wore the magnificent wings, soaring higher than ever, inspiring all fairies to create their own. Now, it’s your turn! Gather the suplies and craft your own fairy wings. Let your creativity soar and make something magical!
Heart keychain $5

In the charming village of Crafters’ Hollow, where creativity flowed like a gentle stream, a kind-hearted girl named Aurora loved making gifts for her friends. One sunny morning, she found an old sewing box in her attic filled with colorful fabric scraps and threads. Inspired, Elara decided to create heart keychains—tokens of love and friendship. She gathered her friends and shared her idea. Together, they picked vibrant fabrics: soft reds, cheerful pinks, and calming blues. As they made the hearts, Elara encouraged her friends to think of a special memory or message for each heart. They stitched their thoughts into the keychains, filling them with warmth and joy. When they finished, the keychains sparkled with their collective love. Elara and her friends gifted them to each other, spreading happiness throughout the village. Now it’s your turn! Gather your suplies. Create your own heart keychain, stitching in your favorite memories or messages. Let your heart shine through.


(In this video I am using my british accent that I use when I am in character as Margarita.)

Script For Selling Sewing Project Kits:
[Approaching a group, waving my hoop in the air]
“Ah! You there, good folk! Do my eyes deceive me, or do I spy potential stitchers? Aye, the fine art of stabbing fabric with threads of magic!”
[Hold up my hoop, showing off my work]
“This, my friends, is cross-stitching. A noble craft that has kept me fed, clothed, and occasionally out of trouble in my travels! With just a bit of thread and fabric, you too can master this ancient art and impress knights, maidens, and possibly even dragons!”
[Start stitching a little, giving them time to look at my outfit]
“See this fine garment I wear? Each stitch, a tale from a far-off land—or, at least, the tavern down the road. Either way, it's delightful, and you too can create wonders like this! No experience required—just enthusiasm and a steady hand.”
[Reach into my bag or basket, pulling out a small cross-stitch kit]
“And what’s this? A gift from the heavens—or more accurately, from my own talented hands. A pre-made cross-stitch kit! Complete with all the thread, fabric, and instructions needed to create your very own masterpiece. A priceless skill for just a few coins! You’ll be stitching your way to glory in no time.”
[Lower my voice conspiratorially]
“Between you and me, the Queen herself wanted one. I had to tell her, ‘Your Majesty, I have customers to attend to!’ So don’t let her snatch up all the kits—grab one while you can!”
[Hold the kit out, smiling]
“What say you? For just a few coins, a future filled with stitches awaits! And I’ll even throw in a joke or two for free—guaranteed to keep your spirits high as you stitch.”
[If they seem interested, show them the contents of the kit and describe it in a light-hearted way]
“Inside, you’ll find a magical needle, threads of every color spun by fairies—or possibly cotton, but still magical—and easy-to-follow instructions. It’s everything you need to make a beautiful piece, even if you’ve never held a needle before!”
[Seal the deal with humor]
“And remember, my friends, if your stitches go awry, it’s not a mistake—it’s a ‘creative addition.’ Trust me, I’ve got a few of those on my own dress!”

- “Why did the thread break up with the needle? It found the relationship too prickly!”
- “Why don’t cross-stitchers get lost? Because they always follow the pattern!”
- “Why did the cross-stitcher go to therapy? They couldn’t get over their ‘loose ends’!”
- “I’m on a thread-tastic adventure!”
- “Cross-stitching: where my mistakes are ‘seamlessly’ part of the design!”
- “I’m ‘sew’ into this craft!”
- “Let’s make some stitch-ories!”
- “Feeling knotty today, aren’t we?”
- “I’ve got a real ‘thread’ of luck!”
- "If her arms worked as hard as a servant's tung, There would be nery a speck of dust in the kingdom."

*Get It Done*
"Stitching, stitching, one by one,
Thread the needle, get it done!
In and out, the needle goes,
Watch your stitches as they grow.
Sewing straight or in a curve,
Patience helps you find your nerve.
Stitching, stitching, one by one,
Thread the needle, get it done!"

*The happy Sticher*
"In a cozy nook where sunlight beams,
A seamstress weaves her colorful dreams.
With needle dancing in a joyful sway,
Each stitch and seam brightens her day.
Buttons and ribbons, a delightful mix,
Her heart finds peace in each little fix.
As stars appear and shadows grow long,
Sewing brings joy— It's important to do what you love and truly enjoy ."
Why Choose Me?
Engagement & Interaction: I offer a truly unique experience, creating lasting memories for your guests. My interactive approach ensures every guest feels included and entertained.

Customizable: I can tailor my costume, character, and performance to fit the specific theme or needs of your event.

Musical Ambience: In addition to performances and workshops, I can play the tongue drum, fiddle, guitar, piano and sing opera creating a magical musical atmosphere throughout the event. I was classically trained at Northern Arizona University and have been playing these instruments since I was a chilled.

Experience & Expertise
I studied theater, music, and costuming at Northern Arizona University. Plus I host sewing conferences across the United States. For the past 8 years, through my business I have taught thousands of people the art of sewing through both in-person and online workshops. Go to the front page of this website to learn more about my business.

With over 121K followers on social media, I offer a built-in audience to help promote your event for free if you hire me. I also advertise through newspapers, radio stations, and occasionally appear on TV news programs. I'd be delighted to promote your event across these platforms. Click here to verify my social medea falowing and engagement in my Facebook Group that I use as my Facebook page.

I can provide a recent criminal history report and documentation of my child abuse history certification from the state of Pennsylvania where I have lived for the past 19 years to demonstrate my good standing in the company. For my security, I only work in public atmospheres, and I do not work in private homes.

Technical Requirements
I am self-sufficient and can transport all necessary equipment by myself. However, if locker space is available, it would be appreciated.
No green room required; I arrive and leave in character. However, access to a clean indoor restroom is preferred.

I typically book events six months in advance because of that I am available for the entire run of your season. I can camp nearby in my motorhome office and commute daily to the venue with my suv. Currently I'm in central Pennsylvania.

Ready to Bring Magic to Your Event?
Contact me today to discuss how we can make your event unforgettable with my Sewing Workshop & Performance. Reach me at

(In this video I am using my british accent that I use when I am in character as Margarita.)